Quarterly Report

Quarter 4 2022/2023: January-March


Organization-Wide Data

CUPS Clients

Points of Service

Integrated Care Tool Assessments Completed (April 2022 - March 2023)

Integrated Care Tool Completion (April 2022 - March 2023)

Clients Actively Care Planning in Each Subdomain (April 2022 - March 2023)


The Integrated Care Tool has had significant uptake within the organization as 735 clients have completed one or more assessments since its introduction in April 2022. The subdomains that are most commonly being care planned in are currently housing, income, physical health, and mental health, demonstrating that these are clients’ areas of priority that they want to work on.

Tracking Integrated Care Tool Movement

Physical Health (n=159)

Chart data represented by %

Mental Health (n=112)

Chart data represented by %

Housing (n=238)

Chart data represented by %

Income (n=237)

Chart data represented by %


When completing an ICT subdomain, a client chooses from a variety of categories that describes their current state. The above charts demonstrate the number of clients who have stayed in the same category across multiple assessments, as well as clients who have moved into categories that demonstrate a change in stability/status. These are grouped based on the categories “upward movement” and “downward movement” above. Of the four subdomains depicted, the category with the greatest number of clients who have experienced upward movement is Physical Health, at 21%. Similarly, in Mental Health and Housing subdomains, 17% of clients demonstrated upward movement and 13% of clients did so in the Income subdomain.

Financials - October to December 2022

Revenue, Expenses & Surplus

Staffing (as of March 31, 2023)


Quarter 4 Data not available at the time of report completion

Program Data

Care Coordination

Insights: Throughout this quarter, 123 clients received ID supports and 643 basic needs disbursements were allocated. This ensures that clients have the identification needed to access necessary supports (healthcare, bank account, etc.), helps prevent eviction, increases access to transit, food, and natural/professional supports.


Insights: More than half of clients have been housed for more than a year and just over a third of clients have increased their income since the previous quarter. This speaks to of clients’ increased housing and income stability when accessing CUPS housing supports.

Family & Child Developmental Supports

Insights: 167 caregivers received family and child development supports, 68 children were enrolled in programming, and 43 additional family members benefitted indirectly from programming. The two generational approach of programming ensures that benefits from programming extend to the whole family.


Primary Health Care

Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT)

Connect 2 Care (C2C)

Insights: Health programs are seeing a variety of clients with different needs, including new clients who haven’t accessed services before, returning clients, and clients beginning OAT treatment. Through the integrated care supports we provide and referral resources in the community, we can work to meet the diverse and complex needs of clients.

Beyond The Data

Client Advisory Committee

A small group of clients have formed the newly begun Client Advisory Committee at CUPS in order to inform CUPS’ strategic work and to incorporate clients’ voices throughout the organization. The Committee's primary purpose is to advise and consult with CUPS on policies, programming, and practices and work in partnership with staff and leadership at CUPS to create positive change within the organization. This may include addressing gaps in services, improving existing programs, and informing future organizational direction.

Over the past few months, members of the committee have been involved in the development of a new Client Experience Survey, which will gather feedback and input from clients. We will continue to refine the survey questions and data collection processes in partnership with members of the Client Advisory Committee.

Learnings & Next Steps

As we continue to develop the data collection processes required to support the new content in quarterly reports, teams will continue to discuss which data is the most meaningful and will best speak to the organization’s success. Over the coming months, this data will continue to be refined and the template will be adjusted accordingly.