CUPS Corner: Celebrating a special partnership


Celebrating a special partnership and the offensive linesman who started it all, Bruce Covernton

The partnership between the Calgary Stampeders and CUPS goes back — more than two decades, in fact — and it all started in 1992 at the first CUPS Calgary Stampeders Kickoff Breakfast event. Early on, the breakfast event formed the core of the partnership between the Stamps and CUPS, but since then, it has evolved and cemented into one of the longest, strongest partnerships in our community. It’s no longer just about bringing the business community together over a delicious breakfast at the Hyatt Regency to raise awareness and funds for CUPS, it’s about understanding the issues and spreading the message.

A key component of this partnership is the ‘Stampeder Player Representative to CUPS’ role. Selected by the Stampeder Management, the Representative is the player who becomes the face of the Stamps in the community and rallies his teammates for their participation around the city as well. The CUPS Kickoff Breakfast events initiated  the Player Representative role, who encouraged participation for his teammates and engaged the community. In 1992, Stamps lineman Bruce Covernton was designated as the first Stampeder Player Representative to CUPS. He attended the Kickoff Breakfast event and his enthusiasm and passion for the cause set the bar for the role high.

Bruce didn't simply attend the event, he got everyone excited about it,” says CUPS Executive Director, Carlene Donnelly. “His energy was contagious, everyone wanted to be around Bruce, and once he got a mic in his hand, the crowd was riveted on his every word.”

His commitment to CUPS didn’t stop there. Bruce went above and beyond merely attending the breakfast and engaging the crowd. He spent time at CUPS and made every effort to really understand the issues so that in turn, he could speak to them effectively in the community and in the locker room. Though he retired from the Stamps in the 1998 season, his commitment to CUPS continued. He fiercely represents CUPS’ cause through his involvement with the Calgary Stampeders Alumni Association and in the corporate world through his company, Big Fish Staffing, a staffing and recruiting company he founded in 2016. 

“As Bruce moved into the business world, he simply weaved giving back to the community as part of his operations,” says Nancy Bailes, past-member of CUPS’ Board of Directors. “It wasn’t just about raising funds for CUPS, it was about raising awareness and encouraging others in the business community to get involved.”

Now, the Kickoff Breakfast event has morphed into the CUPS annual Christmas in January dinner, where Stamps team members help keep the holiday spirit bright and host a fun, festive feast for hundreds of low-income Calgarians. In addition, the Stampeders assist CUPS by collecting toiletry items from their many travels across Canada and throughout the course of the season. Over the years, hundreds of pounds of toiletries have been collected and distributed through the program. Over the past 25 years, the Stampeders’ partnership with CUPS has helped generate more than one million dollars to help build resilience for low-income Calgarians.

Since Bruce’s retirement, many other Stamps players have taken the helm of the Player Representative to CUPS role, including:

  • Jamie Crysdale

  • Jay McNeil

  • Jeff Pilon

  • Aldi Henry

  • Dimitri Tsoumpas

  • Brett Jones

  • Spencer Wilson

  • Brad Erdos

Today, CUPS honours Bruce and his commitment to the community by recognizing the individual commitment of others to CUPS. Every year, the CUPS Bruce Covernton Community Service Award is given to recognize and celebrate long-term, ongoing contributions that have positively impacted the lives of Calgarians.

Thank you Bruce and the entire Calgary Stampeder organization for all that you’ve done for CUPS and the community! We look forward to many more years of partnership to come!

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