New Beginnings from Wade Maude
As of the Spring Equinox, we enter into the unlimited possibilities of new beginnings, many of which are apparent here at CUPS. With the coming final stages of the renovation process, coupled with strategic planning at the forefront, we also are experiencing changes and new beginnings.
From an Indigenous perspective, change is the only absolute constant.
All of creation constantly changes, even though we often miss the changes occurring in and around us as we hustle and bustle through our days. The change or growth is indeed constant, and as we grow through the processes, we are given the opportunity to evolve, learn and persevere at any given point of the process.
Like many of the seeds and plants waiting to once again spring forth with abundant life and Medicines, we have the same opportunity awaiting us in our lives.
Sacred Hoop/ Medicine Wheel
This time of year is connected with the eastern direction of the Sacred Hoop, which expresses all these attributes and endless possibilities. The Eastern direction brings the Medicine of the Eagle Spirit from which we are blessed with the gifts of vision. This gift encompasses varied forms of vision, in that Eagle provides us with the opportunity to see the bigger picture and, in doing so, gain some insights into what the work we have done, are doing and will do can bring to fruition or possibly not bring to fruition and in doing so provide us with the choices of how we may or may not want to proceed.
Eagle Spirit also allows us to change our vision of how we currently see ourselves and our environments. With this gift, we can begin to effectively make our own changes as to how that vision is portrayed and, in doing so, create fundamental changes as to how we vision things yet to come to fruition.
How we see things around us greatly influences how we envision things yet to come, and engaging in the power of our own visions that power has unlimited and profound effects on what is yet to come.
This direction is also attributed to our mental health, both development and maintenance. The warmer days and sunshine bring welcome relief to the previous winter months and help us to feel a sense of rejuvenation to approach these new days with a renewed wonder of the possibilities that lie before us, an excitement of new growth.
So as we enter through this time, we need to remember to care for ourselves, to have an awareness of ourselves, and through that awareness, cultivate and nurture how we envision ourselves through the days, months, and years to come. All of this is accompanied by the Sacred Smudge of this direction, Tobacco, the most Sacred of all.
By directing our prayers/meditations with Tobacco, the Spirit of that plant makes them stronger and can also help clarify the intentions of our visions and subsequently engage with the power of all of creation as we move on to a new beginning.
Wade Maude is the Indigenous Programming Coordinator at CUPS