CUPS’ Nurturing Parenting Programs Continue — Online!
The CUPS Nurturing Parenting Program is family-centred, trauma-informed and designed to build nurturing parenting skills. As an evidence-based program, it aims to to reduce recidivism in families involved in child intervention services, promote protective factors in families and stop the intergenerational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors.
During COVID-19, it’s incredibly important for this program to continue! Typically held in a classroom setting at CUPS, the Nurturing Parent team looked at innovative ways to keep the sessions going so participants could graduate from the 16-week program. So what did they do? They moved the program online!
Over their interactive, online sessions, program facilitators Holly and Mary have been able to continue building upon the incredible progress participants have made, while fostering positive parenting skills, self-nurturing and family nurturing. Participants also receive home practice exercises and activities to promote positive brain development in infants and young children.
About Nurturing Parenting
The program is based on the Theory of Emergence, which considers that everyone is born predisposed to form and sustain enduring, nurturing relationships. Nurturing Parenting is open to low income CUPS clients with young children (0-6 years-old), and those who are open to learning new information and working on new parenting skills. Topics covered in the program include:
Philosophy & practices of Nurturing Parenting
Ages & Stages of Infants and Toddlers
Brain development in Children & Teens
Communicating with Respect
Building Self-Worth in Children
Family Morals, Values & Rules
Praising Children & their Behavior
Alternatives to Spanking
Dealing with Stress
All of these topics play an important role in developing resilience for individuals and families. Looking to help and not sure how? Consider donating to the CUPS COVID-19 Urgent Needs Fund today.
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