The Nurturing Parenting Program: Training the Trainer

Nurturing Parenting™ Programs are evidence-based and family-centred programs that aim to prevent the occurrence of child abuse and neglect. The philosophy behind the program emphasizes the importance of raising children in a warm, trusting and caring household. It is founded on the belief that children who are cared for develop the capacity to trust, care and respect themselves, other people, living creatures and the environment.

Nurturing Parenting is built around building attachment and empathy, using measurement tools to help students see how they are improving. Every component is designed to strengthen the family relationship. 

The program addresses the specific needs of different populations, including:

  • Parents and their infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school aged children & adolescents

  • Prenatal program

  • Teen parents and their families

  • Families in substance abuse treatment and counselling

  • Parents and children with health challenges

  • Families from minority groups

CUPS hosts a Nurturing Parenting Program several times a year, and once in a while, we have a student who is so engaged and loves the program, they are inspired to become facilitators of the program itself. 

Program facilitators help students understand common objectives and assists them in planning and achieving their goals.

Next Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training at CUPS 

For those interested in becoming facilitators, the next training sessions will be held online (via Zoom) on February 10, 11 and 12, 2021. The curriculum covers: 

  • Day 1: Introduction to the philosophy, skills and strategy of Nurturing Parenting.

  • Day 2 & 3: A hands-on approach to conducting home and group-based Nurturing Parenting and learning how to use the online Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory to gather pre and post program outcome data.

The training will also cover the Seven Principles of Nurturing Parenting, which are:

  • Feelings of Attachment

  • Empathy

  • Nurturing oneself

  • Gentle touch

  • Discipline

  • Expressing feelings

  • Expectations and self-worth

Meet your Instructors 

Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training is taught by two highly qualified and experienced veterans: Bonnie Bailey, MSW, RSW and Holly Golanowski, RSW.

Bonnie has been teaching Nurturing Parenting for 20 years. Her facilitation style builds on participation, self-empowerment and growth in self-esteem, with family being central. In 2015, she was trained and certified as the first Nurturing Parenting Trainer/Consultant in Canada.

Holly has been a Nurturing Parenting Facilitator since CUPS adopted the program in 2011. In 2019, she was trained and certified as a Nurturing Parenting Trainer/Consultant. 

If you’re interested in learning more about this important program, or considering registering, visit our website to learn more


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