CUPS Corner: Magnify the magic this holiday season


“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” - Edna Ferber

Christmas is a very special and spiritual reminder that we should take a moment to reflect on what's most important to us as a community and remember our mission: that we are here to assist adults and families in Calgary living with the adversity of poverty and traumatic events to become self-sufficient.

“This year, as CUPS celebrates 30 years of building a healthier community, we're taking a moment to recognize that real change requires us to work together,” says CUPS’ Executive Director Carlene Donnelly. “I'm proud of everything we've been able to accomplish last year and over the 30 years. We haven't stood still, and we weren't afraid to work through challenges if the result made it better for the many individuals and families who come through our doors. I'm not only proud of that, but I think that's our purpose and it's truly amazing to share with others.”

It really does take a village. We’re grateful for the relationships we continue to build with those who take the time to learn about our work, the volunteers who come in and give hands-on contributions and the funders who allow us to give services to those who are working hard to better their lives for themselves and their children. To our staff who rolled up their sleeves and relentless gave their energy to bring about positive change in our community, thank you. As we continue to endure the longest economic slump since the 80s, we know that we're in this together and we're committed to keeping this work going.

This is the sentiment that is top of mind for us at CUPS as the Christmas season gets into full swing.
While there’s much to be proud of, unfortunately, for some, Christmas can be a tough time. It is important to make sure the voices of those marginalized are heard, and that we slow down to take stock of why we do what we do and recognize how much more difficult some people have it. Let's continue to support those who are less fortunate and feel good that we're helping them find their way to a better life.

This holiday season, CUPS has been calling on all Calgarians to support those who need it the most over the holidays: to magnify the magic for vulnerable individuals and families in Calgary and bring back the sparkle and spirit of the holidays for all.

Your donations make a tangible difference in a number of areas:

  • Most needed items – The needs of our clients are ever-changing and as such, we will apply your donation where it is needed the most.

  • Economic – Help us reduce economic barriers so individuals and families have stable homes, access to food and nutrition, improve their skills and job prospects and ultimately increase their quality of life.

  • Social-emotional – When people feel connected to their community, have good relationships with each other and learn to navigate through their challenges, their lives get better. With your support, together we will build a stronger, healthier city for all.

  • Health – People living in poverty often confront very complex health issues, and many things can stand in the way of getting the help they need. Help us remove those barriers by giving people easy access to a multitude of health supports – from general, women’s and mental health services to dental care.

  • Developmental – When we provide positive, supportive environments for children, and when we build the capacities of caregivers, we build resilience across generations. Your donation will support our child and family programs that will help nourish the healthy development of a new generation of Calgarians.

On behalf of CUPS and the many thousands of people we serve every year, thank you. We wish you and yours a very happy and healthy holiday season – the most magical of all!

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