CUPS Calgary

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Volunteers add compassion and energy to CUPS

There are people in our community who have a way of weaving themselves into our everyday lives with kindness, laughter and sometimes just a simple chat over a cup of coffee. 

When individuals and families come to CUPS, they may run into one of our incredible volunteers who give their time to provide that extra level of support — compassionate interaction. 

If it’s a Thursday, they may be extra lucky to run into Steve, our anointed “Treat Thursday Ambassador.” Steve has been handing out coffee and homemade baking (thanks to his wife, Barb) in the waiting room at CUPS for more than two years. While individuals and families wait for their appointment, he’s there to spread some positivity. Steve always says his goals are simple: to brighten someone’s day with a smile or laugh, to get to know one another over a cup of coffee, and to learn their name. 

There’s also Ann Bright — the Baby Bundle Lady. Ann has been volunteering at CUPS for more than 20 years and in the last several years has collected thousands of dollars of essential baby items to support new mothers at CUPS. She and her family have also purchased items out of their own pocket to ensure the baby bundle has everything it needs to support a young mother.

It’s National Volunteer Week in Canada and we are so grateful for the entire volunteer community at CUPS. Steve and Ann are just two of hundreds of volunteers who have supported CUPS over the years, elevating the service we provide our clients with an extra personal touch. 

Volunteering through COVID-19

The volunteering experience has evolved in the last year through COVID-19 and while in-person support wasn’t as available, we were able to shift to virtual volunteer admin support and non-contact delivery drivers. 

In particular, our volunteers rallied to help us support our clients from door to door through our 100 Doors Initiative. At the end of January 2021, volunteers from CUPS put together and delivered dozens of care packages to families across our city. 

Baskets were safely delivered to homes, and backpacks loaded with essentials were given to our community members who are sleeping rough or in shelter spaces. Each care package provided a variety of food and other essential items to help people get through challenging times. 

A huge thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with this project, and our supporters: Trent from Contract Professionals Canada inc., along with RBC, 7-11 and Sock Rocket.

Community support remains strong

Pandemic or not, we are honoured to have unwavering volunteer support from so many companies and organizations. 

From RBC who not only helped with the 100 Doors initiative, but also delivered wreaths around the city in December, to ES Williams who are ready and willing to jump when we call for volunteers. People just like you, from businesses across our city have sent volunteers to cook for our parents and families, while others have volunteered at our annual Christmas in January or read to our kiddos in the Child Development Centre*. The support and love we feel from our volunteers is profound and it directly impacts the level of care we can provide.

Whether it’s an individual helping out for decades, a group of co-workers coming together to make food, or a family supporting another family, volunteers are part of the CUPS family and we look forward to safely welcoming volunteers back in person when it is safe to do so. 

Happy National Volunteer Week!

*volunteering opportunities pre-COVID


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