CUPS Calgary

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Behind the Scenes: CUPS Health Clinics, by the numbers

Driven to build resilience for all

As you know, we’re big on resiliency at CUPS. By providing low-barrier, interdisciplinary services through our Health Clinic we assist adults and families in Calgary living with the adversity of poverty and traumatic events to improve their health and become more resilient and self-sufficient. Our approach is unique and plays an important role in a client’s long-term success. In fact, of the 8,400 active clients we had last year, the majority had an interaction with a health program, making the provision of health care to this vulnerable population an integral part of our operations and a key step in a client’s path to resiliency. 

A unique approach
When a client comes to CUPS for health services, they are welcomed by our Primary Care Clinic. We offer a variety of services, including a Women’s Health Clinic, Shared Care Mental Health, a Liver Clinic and nursing supports, just to name a few.  

The Health Clinic delivers a unique approach to primary care that differs from other traditional primary care clinics. For example, last year, the Primary Care Clinic was open for a total of 247 days, with appointments booked for 30 minutes. This longer appointment structure is intentional and enables the practitioner to effectively address the variety of needs in one appointment. This allows the patient the opportunity to address multiple concerns in one visit, including the social determinants of health that greatly impact their overall health and well-being. Additionally, the clinic offers a variety of services and supports in house to increase access and remove barriers for patients. The clinic provides lab services, nursing supports, Hepatitis C treatment as well as visiting specialists appointments. 

“We aim to provide wrap-around integrated supports to patients who walk in the doors here at our health clinic,” says Elaine Wilson, CUPS Director of Health. “We work to meet the immediate needs of our patients as well as addressing the various social determinants that impact an individual’s health when someone accessing our services.” 

For a CUPS client, who may be struggling with the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), or who identifies as being vulnerable when completing the CUPS Resiliency Matrix questionnaire, this longer appointment structure is very beneficial. As they dive deeper with clients and apply the knowledge of the Brain Story to help understand the connection between the client’s experiences and their physical, emotional and social outcomes, our practitioners can provide more appropriate, integrated services that are respectful and responsive to their needs. 

By the numbers
Beyond the day-to-day, as health care providers connect with their clients, their focus and services have to evolve according to demand. As a result, the Health Clinic grew and expanded numerous programs last year, including the expansion of the Shared Care Mental Health program, increasing access to low barrier Opioid Agonist Therapy and increasing outreach capacity. 

Other notable focal points in the 2018-2019 year included:  

  • 5,651 individuals accessed services at CUPS for a total of 30,001 visits and over 44,000 points of service  

  • Connect 2 Care (C2C) worked with 147 individuals 

  • The Shared Care Mental Health program received Addiction and Mental Health funding to expand, resulting in a 53% increase in mental health counselling visits

  • The Women’s Clinic saw 174 prenatal patients for a total of 715 prenatal visits and 119 postpartum visits 

Effective change does not happen overnight, but these steps are making a difference. By focusing on our vision of building resiliency, by taking the time to get to know the client, by understanding their story and by developing the best plans for their success, CUPS is making a real impact in their lives and in our community.  

Visit our blog next month as we share more about our operations and learn how CUPS helps meet the complex needs of low-income individuals and families. In the meantime, hop on to our CUPS Corner series, and take a ride into our past as we celebrate our 30 anniversary year! 

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CUPS 2019 Corporate Video