CUPS Calgary

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From Dad to Super Dad! A new program specifically to engage fathers

“The value of a loving father has no price.”

From a dad with two sons and a partner, to a single father sharing custody, and a dad in family court fighting for custody — the situations and circumstances fathers in our community are facing are diverse and unique. 

And while their day-to-day may be different, on Wednesday evenings they have been gathering to connect, learn and grow as fathers at our new Super Dads, Super Kids! program.

Expanded programming to support dads

While you may instantly become a parent when a child is born, the skills to support children emotionally and physically are developed through learning, growing and experiencing milestones. 

At CUPS, our Family Development Centre offers a variety of programs to support parents, including Nurturing Parenting™; however, there was a gap when it came to fathers. While these parenting programs are available for both parents to participate, it is typically the mother-figure we see attending. 

Super Dads, Super Kids! is the program designed to fill the gap.

A weekly virtual gathering, dads not only learn helpful information on the different ages and stages their children are experiencing and tips on how to get their kids to eat better, it also takes a deeper dive into fatherhood.

“It’s not just about being a masculine figure for your children. There’s so much more involved in just becoming a role model for your kids, understanding them, and better yet, understanding ourselves so as to better guide our kids as they grow,” explains one of our recent graduates.

Registration is open

The next round of Super Dads, Super Kids! starts Sept. 8, 2021 and runs for 12-weeks. 

Fathers will learn everything from child development and how to communicate with their kids, to understanding emotions, physical health and more!
To register for this free program, please email


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