CUPS Calgary

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CUPS Client Story: Rob

Meet Rob
A story of commitment, hard work and celebrating change 

Did you know? Men between the ages of 25 and 55 account for almost half of those experiencing homelessness in Canada (47.5%). What’s more, the characteristics of this group include greater incidences of mental illness, addictions and disability, including invisible disabilities such as brain injury and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Understanding the facts, it’s not hard to imagine that overcoming these challenges and building a foundation of resilience is not easy. And few know this reality as well as CUPS client, Rob. 

Meet Rob* 

Rob had it rough. For years, he slept on the streets, where he battled mental health challenges that prevented him from living a full life. He spent his days either at the shelter, or out and about looking for warm places to sleep, food to eat or simply a hot cup of coffee. While trying to find basic necessities for survival, he struggled between the grips of his illness and what he knew he needed to get done: find help and change the trajectory of his life. 

In a moment of desperate clarity last summer, he came  to CUPS seeking help. He wanted to get off the streets, find the right support for his mental health needs and get his life back on track. 

Finding the right supports
Like many CUPS clients, Rob had complex needs. He also had a lot of strengths. Our care-coordinators took the time to listen to his unique story, walk him through our Resiliency Tool and determined the right plan that would work for him and his strengths. They connected Rob  with the multiple supports he needed and his path to resiliency began. 

Over the next few months, his CUPS team worked alongside him to create an environment where he felt safe and supported. Despite the challenges of living on the streets, he was never late for a meeting. Rob was truly committed to making a change, and the fruits of his labour were about to be reaped. 

A bright future ahead
Through hard work, dedication and a desire to change, Rob recently moved into a new home – his first in a very long time. WIth his basic needs in place, he can now focus on improving his mental health and securing the stable foundation he’s laid for himself. 

His CUPS support team came together to support Rob along the way, and they couldn't be more proud of what he’s accomplished.

*Name changed for anonymity


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